Tuesday, February 5, 2013

One Little Word

May your unfailing love come to me, O Lord,
your salvation according to your promise;
then I will answer the one who taunts me,
for I trust in your word.
(Psalm 119:41-42 NIV)

What if one word could change the direction of your life? Or at least give you a more positive outlook on your current situation?

Laurie Beth Jones in her book, The Path, shares this insight from author, Robert Fritz:

“. . .the very moment you realize you are unhappy or frustrated with a situation is your “point of power,” for now you have a clear picture of how you don’t want things to be. Imagine the exact opposite of the frustrating situation, and there you have the makings of your vision.”

Last week, my friend and life coach, Tracy Flori was having a conversation with her husband. He told her that he felt “stuck” at work. She asked him, if he could replace “stuck” with a different word, a word that would give him a more positive perspective, what would he choose? In seconds, he told her, “between.” She asked him to tell her what it was about that word that would help him. He answered, “If I’m between, then it’s not my fault. And if I’m between then, there is something to look forward to, right?”

When she shared the results of their conversation, I was motivated myself. This time of year brings weariness like no other season. Instead of thinking myself stuck in winter, I can remind myself that I am between seasons. I have spring and summer ahead.

Between has a hopeful ring to it. As I kept mulling over this one little word, the hymn, A Mighty Fortress is our God, filled my heart. And the phrase “one little word shall fell him,” took on new meaning. I have often wondered what that word could be. The obvious answer is the name of Jesus, which is the most powerful conclusion. However, I have found the word replacement exercise a practical way to apply the power of God’s hope in my life.

What situation is getting you down? What word do you think God wants you to replace it with to move forward into hope today?


  1. Oh love this thought. Need to ponder this. Have a battle going on. I am going to ponder your question and pray over it. Thanks Kel.

    1. It is amazing the power of a word...Proverbs speaks to this often...and the power of the tongue in James...I will be praying that God give you a word of peace and hope.

  2. I love this post, and I love Traci's suggestion to her husband. You know, Kel, the in-between time can be so rich and fertile. I think of it as the pregnant pause--a pivotal rest before something really climactic in the score--like that incredibly full rest in the Hallelujah Chorus, just before all glory breaks out. And if a singer sings in that rest, it spoils the whole thing. So there is something really special about the silence and contemplation in the in-between. So, yes, there is something incredible happening in your in-between seasons time!

    1. Lynni- I love the connection to a rest in music and the glory that comes after the rest! May our in-between times be filled with God's grace and provision and confidence, so when it's time to sing again, we give Him all the glory! To God Be the Glory! Hallelujah!

  3. Amen! Hallelujah!


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