Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Leaning, Leaning, Leaning on the Everlasting Arms

The eye is the lamp of the body.
If your eyes are good,
your whole body will be full of light.
(Matthew 6:22 NIV)

I had a little scare this morning. My vision was impaired. I felt like darkness was closing in on me. I told my husband, and thought we might end up in urgent care before the morning was over. In a panic I called my sister, who is a nurse, and she suggested I eat something. In minutes, my vision was restored.

But in those moments, when I was losing my sight (that's how it felt) I was quite terrified, and cried out to the Beloved to heal me. And He did. Apparently, darkening vision is a effect of low blood sugar. After breakfast, I decided to curl up on the couch, watching the snow softly fall, and asked my Beloved:

What kind of honeymoon is this? I thought we were going to go explore the town and write and have a grand adventure.

My expectations and reality don't always merge the way I might like.

So here, the Beloved, once again encouraged me to be still. To spend the day at home with Him, just listening, watching and capturing moments. So after I regained my strength, I nested.

Here are some captured moments from my camera this morning. I think with the vision scare, I wanted to use my eyes.

These snapshots are my way of saying "Thank You" to Jesus for good eyes. Oh, how He loves you and me!

"Joy is always a promise."
(Madeline L'Engle)
Quiet Listening Music.
Our cat who insists on stealing MY thinking chair.
A pile of library books to dream about
the St. Louis adventures ahead. 
"His love is as gentle
as freshly fallen snow,
His joy is lovely as winter's glow,
His peace is the quiet place
our hearts can go."
(quote on the pillow given to me by a dear friend,
who knows I often languish during the winter :)


  1. Beautiful, Kel. Hope you are seeing well, my friend. Sometimes in the losing we gain something...insights from a moment that last. Yes?

    1. No more problems with my physical sight but definitely seeing his love and grace a little more clearly today :)

  2. Wow, Kel. I'm so sorry. That must have been incredibly frightening. I'm extremely myopic, and even now, my eyes keep getting worse (as bad as they are anyway).......so I can greatly empathize. I am so very glad you are ok!!!! Praise God!


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