Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thrilling Guest Thursday: Juniper Gillian

Lately, I've been thinking about the purpose of a blog. Is it for encouragement? To share God's Word and God Stories? Or is it a place to publicly journal and share photos? Do I blog for me or for an audience? I haven't come to a conclusion, but I do know that the blogosphere has great potential. Potential to share our hearts, express with words what our lives are about and how life impacts us.

Today, I want you to meet one of my sisters. One of my mother's daughters. I have many spiritual sisters, but only three flesh and blood sisters, who each share in the spiritual with me.

Here is Juniper Gillian, aka Jill. I am going to link you to her post about her new name and her awakening, which is beautiful to behold. Sometimes this world tries to make us go back to sleep. This is my challenge to Juniper Gillian to stay awake, because she has so much life to live and she makes this world a beautiful place to share.

Juniper Gillian

I just thought of another reason for blogs...they are storehouses of our musings. Often I just read the post of the day on the blogs that I follow. However, archived posts can be a depository of literary gems. The following links take you back to some posts that JG wrote while in Scotland, as well as more recent ones. I am not just bragging on my sister, but she has a style that resonates. I look forward to more of her offerings in the future.

Tomato Cage Love
Shades of Grey (The blog she kept while in Scotland, I definitely reccommend digging through the archives to mine some valuable gems...such as "The Community of the Coal" and "Elemental")

Oh yeah, another purpose of share our lives through snapshots. Here are some glimpses of our recent camping adventure with JG and her brood.

playing checkers on the boat

campfire circle on our own sandbar

my own "Ernest Hemingway"

Intuition beached next to the campsite
mama and boy
our own "Patriot"

1 comment:

  1. Love your family....and their great adventures...thanks for sharing.:-)


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